Since version 0.7 is is possible to have more forms linked to one resulting email.
See this functionality in action in the demo
To make this work a few extra fields should be added to your template.
At first you will need to put the tag {PREVIOUS} somewhere in your form ( between <form> and </form> ) to enable the module to add hidden fields that will remember previous data input.
<form name="form_{SECTION_ID}" id="form_{SECTION_ID}" method="post" action="{URL}"> <input name="miniform" type="hidden" value="{SECTION_ID}"/> <input name="header" type="hidden" value="Miniform Survey"/> {PREVIOUS} .......
Next you need to tell the module what the next step will be.
This is done by adding a field name "__next". You can add the field as a hidden inputfield in your form but nicer is to add it as a button.
<button class="submit" name="__next" value="SURVEY_step_2" type="submit">Next</button>
Optionally you can also create a "Back" button this way. The fieldname for that is "__previous".
<button class="submit" name="__previous" value="SURVEY_step_0" type="submit">Previous</button>
Note that the value of these fields/buttons shoud refer to an existing form template without form_ and .htt.
So in this example the next step will be the form: form_SUREVEY_step_2.htt
If the form does not exist, the current data will be sent and the form is cleared.